Tag Archives: Neil Patrick Harris

"Hammer, meet nail."

Earlier this week, the soundtrack to Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog was made available on iTunes.

For less than ten bucks, you can relive the unadulterated awesome of Joss Whedon’s epic, web-musical.  If you’d like, you can even mosey over to the Dr. Horrible website and take a gander at the liner notes and lyrics.

Personally, I can not get enough of “Bad Horse Chorus”; in fact, I think I’m going to find three guys and hire them to dress up as cowboys and deliver all of my missives in verse.  But, let’s be honest, each song pretty much hits the ball out of the park, from Neil Patrick Harris’ lovelorn stalker anthem “My Freeze Ray” to Nathan Fillion’s narcissistic “A Man’s Gotta Do” or “Everyone’s a Hero” (you can almost hear him swagger, I swear).  And, although Felicia Day breaks your heart with “Caring Hands” and “Penny’s Song”, I think “My Eyes” (her duet with NPH) is her real shining moment.

This should keep me happy until the DVD–with singing commentary!–is released.

You…Yeah, You!

What are you doing reading this?  What you should be doing is watching Act 1 of Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.  You should be checking out the first installment of Joss Whedon’s new web-musical.  Go on.  Watch Neil Patrick Harris kill it.  Watch Nathan Fillion radiate the kind of narcissistic swagger I haven’t seen since Steve Martin in Little Shop of Horrors.  Watch Felicia Day…well, do you really need a reason?

Go, show My Master the love he deserves.

No, I’m serious.  Go.  Now.  I’ll be here when you get back.

The Doctor Comes…

Yes, my friends, there is more newsy goodness about Joss Whedon’s upcoming musical epic web-stravaganza, Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.

First…an official website is now up, where you can watch the teaser trailer and sign-up to receive updates via e-mail.

B…or, second…the Whedon One himself has posted a bunch of information about the series here. In true Joss fashion, he tells us why he decided to make Dr. Horrible, when each of its three acts will be available online–July 15th, July 17th and July 19th–and mentions the awesome, extras-packed DVD that will eventually be released. Oh, and there’s some stuff about dancing mushrooms and Teamsters.

Third…or, um, C…Joss asks everyone to spread the word about DHSAB (did I just create its official fan-cronym??), so that is what I am doing. And, I ask that you all do the same.

My Master Rises!

Joss Whedon returns (sort of), and he’s bringing friends.

A teaser trailer for Whedon’s new web series, Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, has been posted here. The series features the captain-y Nathan Fillion, the legen…wait for it…dary Neil Patrick Harris, and the always delightful Felicia Day.